Monday, September 21, 2009

on the back of my boarding pass

Airports are such nice places to inspire creativity...

"the sky darkens behind my back and i felt the weight of my lost. my eyes try to hold the tears at bay but i think it they are fighting a losing battle. this break has not been the best, esp. compared to Aussie (the most recent) and Taiwan (some years back). i wish i could push all the blame to my period, or to the terrible weather (it is scorching) or the fact that she had other things on her mind... but really, i should have better control over my emotions, expressions and outburst. i am so sorry if i have caused her to feel bad, guilty or incompetent. my mom, she is Wonder women in the flash i tell you, a mean Diana! nevertheless, counting my blessings (as i should), i included Disneyland HK, Starbucks, the safe environment surrounding me and ALL who made my trip possible."

written on the back of my boarding pass at HK airport.

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