Monday, September 7, 2009

Grace saves the world

Spent Saturday night at my 2nd Bible Study class at woodlands... reach home at 11 plus pm and started on my presentation slides for today's meeting. Simply said, today's meeting went alright... not as good as i hope though... haiz. anyway, that is over for now...

Sunday see me waking up early to go for my pilates class at woodlands again... had not a bad lesson but now i am so aching... rushed home after that and continued with the presentation slides... finished at 2am today.... sheesh.

Ok, so those are the mundane stuff... lets go into class proper eh?

Sat's class was on about Abram & Lot parting ways...Genesis Ch 13. and the lessons learnt are:

1. When we come to making decisions, it is good to consult God... what we can understand is really too little. You really dont know what is planned for yourself.
2. Righteousness is really about living by faith and trusting in God as oppose to being law-bidding.
3. Grace saved the world... (hee... i mean, His grace is what will save us all and it is really up to us to take up the offer rite? ... i wonder when i will take up that olive branch..)

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