Monday, July 6, 2009

to my daughter...

if you ask me how a mother's love is like... i would tell you its like a sister's love, a girlfriend's love... but a lot more protective.

if you ask me how a father's love is like... i... i wouldnt be able to tell you exactly. but imagine the most beautiful love there can ever be for you... and that will be somewhere close to what a father's love is like....

and so... i really really pray i will give you a great daddy... and for you to have a love so incredible and magical, it could make you cry tears of joy... i wish for you to know how it feels to be held in your daddy's arms... to be cherished like a princess, to be prayed for by him, to be protected by him. to be love by him.

because i guess, some parts of me... really really miss that.... and i dun wan you to lose out on it. because there is nothing greater.

so all the guys out there... please be good fathers to your daughters... be a dad!

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