Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sorry & Good nite

i know i have been neglecting my blog... duh, quite obvious... so i thought i better find many many things which could explain my absence.

1. i spent Fri & Sat at SAFRA chalet
2. i read Harry Potter & the Half-Blooded prince once more
3. I am reading the Tipping Point
4. Preparing review ppt slides + ECDA
5. Went IKEA and became a friend
6. Fix the chair that i bought from IKEA
7. Dinners out + movies
8. Swam
9. Use my UOB ladies Credit Card (see pt. 5)
10. Thinking up more excuses... lol

But seriously... im really busy.. and despite that i only have 1 pt regarding work in my list (see pt. 4)... the day to day stuff is already overwhelming me...

kk.. my bed is calling me. nitez

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