Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tian made me lovely icons for my work stuff. hugz

must really thank her for the super quick job! so efficient!!! hahaha...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Confused says:

females are fickle creatures. so why is it so tough for me to change my mind? why cant i make a mind change without the emotional upheaval that comes with it? why cant i spare myself the confusion and anarchy? and worse yet, why after all that i still have to deal with the doubts and indecision?

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Dreaming- something that I may have dabbled too much in, for my own good. It is different from sleeping, which is something that I feel that I could get better acquainted with all the time. Haha.

Most people wont give dreams a second thought, they think that dreams just a by-product of our actions and thoughts when we are awake, and most likely they are right. But I beg to differ, to throw another angle at it because Dream breathes life into me every night and bring me to the highest peaks and lowest valleys. He shows me the world that I know, as well as worlds yet to be discovered. But these dreams consume me, they hold me down and bound me in tartan. They make me doubt my waking hours’ realism, and believe something else.

-after partaking in too much dreaming... (having a headache today)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

the apology

The heart of the matter is that I felt I couldn’t say too much… in fact I couldn’t say at all. And so I neglected my blog and I guess by doing so I neglected you.

as simple as 3,2,1?

I have heard it, a thousand times over, from the mouths of so many, and even from the hearts of a few. Today, I guess I have heard the best yet… how can I not be touched by his sincere and urgent proposal? How can I not look at him and see that he meant every word and believes in it!? I was almost brought to tears by his kindness and kindness because to have cared for me like tat… really there is no reason for that at all.

Oh I more than heard Him, I saw, I still see the wonders and miracles He created! I understood yet there are things I cant seem to reconcile. Oh I know some things are beyond human capability.. and I believe that too. What I do not know is this… why aren’t I running to Him? Why am I rooted to this ground?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

friends like these

there was once a little girl who had a big red felt heart. she wore it pinned on one of her puffy sleeves. she was often told by her parents to pin her heart else where, somewhere less easily brushed by others. but she didnt. when she went to school, her heart was often mistreated. And as she grew older, her heart loss its shine, was bent in one area and crooked in another. But still she wore her heart pinned on her sleeves. When she started working, everyone told her to exchange her felt heart with a metal clip one. She didn’t. years later when she was older, someone asked her why was she so adamant. And she said, she had met angels like that.

Have I met angels in my life? Yes, irrefutably so. I have the good fortune of that because, they had saw the felt heart on my sleeves and let me in on their secret. Thank you for being honest, thank you for being caring, thank you all for loving me.

Thank you nolly and looloo… because you both have sacrifice much.

Monday, July 20, 2009

and it was a beautiful wedding

i guess my feelings for weddings have changed- quite drastically too. i rem my teenage years... i was so cynical and dis-beliving of marriages being sacred and holy... thought it was a joke... hah.. but now.. i guess... i must have really matured.. weddings are lovely when well plan... and beautiful when it is built by 2 souls-greatly in love with each other.

Many happy returns to the newlyweds! heaven bless you with great joy and harmony!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

things i so want to do!!!!

Get a bloodie new phone! iphone 3GS went out of stock? like wat?!!

Catch Harry, Ron & Hermione!!! its freaking out already and here i am... still not updated!

Finish up my work...
kk... love u guys... and miss ya all much....

btw... attending a wedding dinner this Sat... what should i wear? its a colleague's one.

X to Y

You are born in a time of excess and abundance. Your wishes were my commands. You think the world is at your feet and expects me to bend over backwards for you. You are so full of yourself and maybe this is because you are still young or maybe this is because of your up-bringing. We are so different, it is as if we are separated by more than a decade.

Nevertheless, remember that at work, I call the shots.

i wish for you all....

Maybe I am too persistent, the DISC profiling can attest to that. I am a IS and super low for C. (if you know what that means, good for you, if you don’t… it dun matter that much anyway)

I really really believe that life is what I make of it. And that whenever possible, I should always be in the pursuit of my happiness. Of course, my happiness should not be at the expense of others’ but if they clash, sometimes, maybe, I will have to review it on a case by case basis.

But, my point is that life doesn’t come with its fair share of happiness but we are all endowed to search for it, to fight for it, to grab it by its tail and to keep it close to our hearts!

So, do you know what makes you happy? Not just contented… but to be filled to the brim and overflowing with joy? Have you taken the first steps to find out just what completes you? What lifts you? Have you actively and pro-actively search for such things? Spending time with love ones doesn’t count here because it is more of like a group activity.

They are not big things mind you… they can be the little things in life… for me, they are delicious pieces of tenderloin steak, good books, rare songs, raindrops beating on my body, a peaceful swim, breathtaking natural scenery, stimulating conversations… and there are other things of cos…

I am thankful that I know what makes me happy and would seek them out or activate them when I need some boost in my emotional level. Happiness takes effort… like duh right? I mean it is not a right of birth… it is something that we have to work for, it is something that we have to work at… some times, it is a choice… and we have to make the call TO BE HAPPY!

My dears, I wish you know what makes you happy and do them often… because life is short and really… everyday should be a happy day. And if you have not found what makes you happy… look harder. And if you are unable to do what makes you happy… challenge that!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
- The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sorry & Good nite

i know i have been neglecting my blog... duh, quite obvious... so i thought i better find many many things which could explain my absence.

1. i spent Fri & Sat at SAFRA chalet
2. i read Harry Potter & the Half-Blooded prince once more
3. I am reading the Tipping Point
4. Preparing review ppt slides + ECDA
5. Went IKEA and became a friend
6. Fix the chair that i bought from IKEA
7. Dinners out + movies
8. Swam
9. Use my UOB ladies Credit Card (see pt. 5)
10. Thinking up more excuses... lol

But seriously... im really busy.. and despite that i only have 1 pt regarding work in my list (see pt. 4)... the day to day stuff is already overwhelming me...

kk.. my bed is calling me. nitez

Monday, July 6, 2009

to my daughter...

if you ask me how a mother's love is like... i would tell you its like a sister's love, a girlfriend's love... but a lot more protective.

if you ask me how a father's love is like... i... i wouldnt be able to tell you exactly. but imagine the most beautiful love there can ever be for you... and that will be somewhere close to what a father's love is like....

and so... i really really pray i will give you a great daddy... and for you to have a love so incredible and magical, it could make you cry tears of joy... i wish for you to know how it feels to be held in your daddy's arms... to be cherished like a princess, to be prayed for by him, to be protected by him. to be love by him.

because i guess, some parts of me... really really miss that.... and i dun wan you to lose out on it. because there is nothing greater.

so all the guys out there... please be good fathers to your daughters... be a dad!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

my 3rd & 4th July 2009

i spent 10pm - 6am on a hard and painful -excuciating painful bicycle seat.. completed slightly under 75 klick in the long night... thats around 75km 75,000m!!!! can u believe it? Definately a highlight of 2009!

my bollocks is so sore and my legs... wobberly.. when i hit the bed, i loss conscious. the next time i woke is close to 5pm!!!! there goes my saturday! shitttteee. but other than the soreness of my thighs, butts and some other parts

but still im super proud of myself for completing the whole ride... because after the stop at jalan kayu... i develop a terrible stomach pain- like gastric kind and almost wanted to call it quits... haha... very thankful for the people who encourage me all the way...
the most impt thing i have learnt? Dont ever do it again!!!!! at least not without training!!!!!!