Thursday, March 20, 2008

oh man.... u guys are so sweet

its so good to see all the tags that i receive... really miss u guys... glad that u guys are tagging. keep on tagging k! it really cheers me up... yup will not make the same mistake again... hahaha... so silly of me. anyway.. hope my mom reach here soon... jia you pple!!!

anyway... yesterday Marcus went with the rest of my collegues (male) to a nightclub... and they have to each ask for a lady... it is really like a beauty queen parade etc. and u get to chose which lady u like... and later on u can ask them to go back with u one.... hm... well.. i guess i better get used to this idea... afterall it is a job rite? people take their jobs seriously... so yup... and who am i to judge... well.. i tot it is nice to let u guys in on wats going on over here... so guys dun be shock k! steady! im glad i get to learn about such things from marcus... hee kk... do post ur comments and opinions on the tag box k!


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