Monday, March 31, 2008

it really is 清明时节雨纷纷


杜牧 (du mu)

and it really is... raining these days... the clothes never seem to dry... and guess what.. first time im looking towards Qing ming... bec its a public holiday!!! im going guilin with my collegue (and i think a v good pal of mine) haha... hope it will be as beautiful as she says. and well... its going to a tough 13 hour train ride (seat type... the bed ones are all booked). really looking forward to it... and tmr will be another long day... haha..

and heidi, yup... im beening drinking... 2 sessions last week... so ya... but not a lot... love u guys... keep me update k? hope to go back to sg during july to see ya all!!!

yihui, jia you!!!

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