Monday, March 31, 2008

it really is 清明时节雨纷纷


杜牧 (du mu)

and it really is... raining these days... the clothes never seem to dry... and guess what.. first time im looking towards Qing ming... bec its a public holiday!!! im going guilin with my collegue (and i think a v good pal of mine) haha... hope it will be as beautiful as she says. and well... its going to a tough 13 hour train ride (seat type... the bed ones are all booked). really looking forward to it... and tmr will be another long day... haha..

and heidi, yup... im beening drinking... 2 sessions last week... so ya... but not a lot... love u guys... keep me update k? hope to go back to sg during july to see ya all!!!

yihui, jia you!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

oh man.... u guys are so sweet

its so good to see all the tags that i receive... really miss u guys... glad that u guys are tagging. keep on tagging k! it really cheers me up... yup will not make the same mistake again... hahaha... so silly of me. anyway.. hope my mom reach here soon... jia you pple!!!

anyway... yesterday Marcus went with the rest of my collegues (male) to a nightclub... and they have to each ask for a lady... it is really like a beauty queen parade etc. and u get to chose which lady u like... and later on u can ask them to go back with u one.... hm... well.. i guess i better get used to this idea... afterall it is a job rite? people take their jobs seriously... so yup... and who am i to judge... well.. i tot it is nice to let u guys in on wats going on over here... so guys dun be shock k! steady! im glad i get to learn about such things from marcus... hee kk... do post ur comments and opinions on the tag box k!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

finally had some time to blog

you know.. operating the washing machine is quite simple... even in chinese... but its the tot process of what to put into the washing machine that is tricky...
throw in 2 new towels into the washing machine with some of my clothes... and shit happens... haiz... white dust like particles can be found on all of the clothes in that batch of wash and the next one.. haiz

havent got to ironing my clothes... but it is still ok.. have enough to last to tmr... it just takes too much time to do all the chores... no magic clean... so sweeping is horrible... dun feel like this is adequate yet ( i mean my house) but my cashflow is dwindling so... im skimpping on some of the stuff that i wan to get... haiz

work is still alright because well.. i havent really started.. worried my chinese will be a big killer... Marcus arrived yesterday and today he is ask to join the rest for drinking... im home.. because i had dinner with my xiaodai who is leaving GZ tmr... man.. its been a week... one week of being roommates... and already i feel like i noe her for a long time.. she wont be coming back to GZ... hope i will get to visit her in Shanghai...

lastly hope my mom gets here safely tomorrow... will keep u guys posted on more stuff

Monday, March 17, 2008

me and my roommate of 5 days

we are at guangzhou city... of course not everything is so rosy and tourisy... finally got my internet at home but not at a place where i am more comfortable. v tired now... will blog another time just wan to let u guys know i finally got internet at home. will appear on msn real soon :) nites all.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

utilising Lunch break

hey people... my room mate is quite a nice person. really glad she is staying with me for now. i heard that setting up the internet will be a chore and will be a long process. i noe it is v tough for my bf. if u guys see him ard do cheer him up or talk to him k? ( i hope he wont mind my high handedness in this) miss him lots.. things are not v convenient now that i havent got my own place.. but collegues are v good (so far haha) to me. havent really started work or trainin so just bumpin ard now. pple take care and keep me posted ok? tag on my tagbox... its more convenient for me to check 1 webpage for updates till i get my own com connected ok?

lots of love from GZ

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

and there is hope

think i might have a way to blog and see ur blogs... just that it will be a tedious process.
quick post of how im doing...
not v satisfied with my current accomodation... but i will tolerate. miss you guys.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Bon Voyage!

if you guys do not see any post here within 2 weeks... pls check the link "Grace in GZ" at the HER PALS area. Also, you can email me. my usual hp no. will be be useful for a few weeks and later it will only be utilise when i come back to sg. So, wat ever it is. do not delete my hp no!!! or else!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Flight details

hi guys... my flight is at 8.10am tomorrow!!!
i will be at Changi T3 at 6.30am.
only a few family members will be there.
if you guys wan to come join us do inform me.
So far... J.L.T and some Actsmen will be there rite?
Of cos, my bf will be there too.

Reminder: no tears for farewell k?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

the road to being a strong woman

i believe that people grow stronger through experiencing difficulties. 吃的苦中苦,方为人上/中人。and i guess...this must have been in-grained into me by my parents. mom gave me the chinese phrase again today. obviously, the road ahead is tough and challenging. obviously it will be something out of my comfort zone. obviously i will feel sad to leave my friends and family and worry about my safety and ability to cope in a different country.

But that all fades into the background when i see this as an opportunity to grow, to stike out on my own (with help and support), to test my abilities and to prove to myself and people around me what i know i am capable of.

In the face of uncertainty and maybe adversity, will i still be grace even under pressure? Will i stand for what i believe? Be the best i can be? Can i make it in this world? Will i be able to pick myself up after a fall and carry on? Will i still have my friends beside me after long absences? So many questions which may be never be answered if i do not step out of my comfort zone.

i am so afraid, but i know what i must do and why. Because i want to grow, because i dont want to remain stagnant at where i am now, because i know this will be good for me- career and personal-life wise. i want to be a strong woman, like my mother, like my grandmother.

Yihui, relationships dont fail, its people that do. I will try my best not to fail our relationship because i love you and cherish all that we have and all that we will have in the future.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

what im doing these days

1. Creating a photo stand (using a calendar i got from Joanne, thanks babe!) [pls pardon the amature work... it really is... haha.. plus i got no money to invest in more pretty deco. stuff.] if you do not see ur pic here... do not panic... these are the more "can see" ones... haha.. some are really plain n er... not nice. of cos not everyone is covered in the album... i only have limited time (4 more days!!!!!) and i dun have ur photos!!!! yup yup
2. Packing... or... preparing the packing... so many things... dont know where to start...
3. Going to the dentist, clinics (yes, 's' because i need to take travel vaccins and i suddenly develop allergies... to dun noe wat.. doc say it could be anything and it does not seem to be a fixed allergy.
4. Spending time with bf and family... must be hard... i noe. because i feel it too.
5. Backing up computer... impt stuff
yup.. tat is about all in a nutshell... lots more to do i guess.. just not sure where to start man... will update the flight details tmr or later... its ok guys... i understand if u guys cannot make it to send me off, i totally understand and forgive u all, in fact i dun take to heart one... (this is me saying im not good at saying goodbyes).