Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A rough week

It is a rough week and not just physically.
27th was the 4th time i went to Bt. Timah for training.
28th was Tian's Hens Night... I think she had fun and was happy with our first attempt at planning a Hen's night.
29th night, we had night trekking (11pm to 6am) until my soles hurt with every step man. We started at Khatib and ended at Lido Macs. At 1 point, my legs (entire) feel so itchy, I want to scrub it till it bled.
I got up today for Tian's Wedding Briefing and was late... super tired man...
Dinner was takeaway from Northpoint and i bought some books from POPULAR for more escapism trips until my real holiday (when?????)

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