Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A rough week

It is a rough week and not just physically.
27th was the 4th time i went to Bt. Timah for training.
28th was Tian's Hens Night... I think she had fun and was happy with our first attempt at planning a Hen's night.
29th night, we had night trekking (11pm to 6am) until my soles hurt with every step man. We started at Khatib and ended at Lido Macs. At 1 point, my legs (entire) feel so itchy, I want to scrub it till it bled.
I got up today for Tian's Wedding Briefing and was late... super tired man...
Dinner was takeaway from Northpoint and i bought some books from POPULAR for more escapism trips until my real holiday (when?????)

Happy Hen's Night Tian! All the best to you and Edward!

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

The sweet taste of home cooked food

I packed homecooked food into the cinema on friday for the Zookeeper. And while the technical quality of the food is average at best, i have to say that i felt really good eating it.

I think firstly because it is such a rare chance (maybe once 2 weeks) that i get to eat something home cooked. And secondly, because home cooked food make me feel more healthy (like it is more wholesome). And weirdly, it makes me feel more bonded to my family somehow.

Since i worked in China, my meals have more often than not been delivered to me or was taken out. I began to miss cooked food. So i started cooking soup and noodles with fishcakes, hotdogs, vegs etc. it is really good to make food for yourself or even others.

When i came back to Singapore, again there wasnt a lot of home cooked meals because all of us (family) come back at different times and sometime already had our meals out, so it was a terrible waste (according to my dad) to cook food, reheat them and throw away whats left over. Thus, my dinners are often packed food from coffee shops or meals with friends/ family outside.

I missed home cooked food and i am always envious of others who are fortunate enough to have them frequently. Sadly, i think more and more people are not having home cooked food

Monday, August 15, 2011

10x 12 storeys

My official first stairs training.
Tried out my thick socks and shoes, so much better than regular socks.
Tried out my hydro bag, but not used to drinking from it.
Anyways, super stinky now. Just happy to complete my goal of 10 sets. I started at 8.26pm and ended around 9.10pm. The worst parts are 8-9 floor. And of cos when my dad saw me in soak in my own perspiration and decide to drench me in cold water. Gosh why are my parents so like that?!? Can't they just encourage me on my dreams?!?!?

Luckily I got good friends. :)

Kk gtg shower!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cousins day out + family bonding

Yesterday was a fun & fully packed, physically intensive Saturday.
A bunch of us went to JB for Paintball, the good thing was that it was indoors so there is no sun but it doesnt mean that it wasnt hot!

Anyway, the difference with paintball is that it HURTS like shit! i kenna one on my knuckles and the skin there tore a bit. It felt so bad i gave myself a break and went to wash the paint off my hands. The next time i look at my hands again, there was some bleeding... it was unpleasant...

Also, as we have to protect our face (the most important part, but guys may argue otherwise) the head gear can get fogged up which cause blurriness and poorer aim... i almost shot my bro's head (and he was on my team, but once i realise my vision was so bad, i got it cleared).

Oh ya, paintball makes me feel guilty afterwards unlike laserquest/tag... i feel so bad when i saw all the bruises my bros and cousins suffered.... even though.. im not sure if i gave it to them... lol

While both 'gun's are heavy (laserquest/tag vs paintball) i think my arms are more tired this time. mainly because today's horse riding lesson strain it even more.. sheesh... i am nv going to jump up the horse seriously, just let me be supported up please???

Anyway whilst my body is tired, my heart is full! i am really glad to spent sat with my cousins doing such exciting activities and with my bros too. Mom joined in, which was really sporting of her (not the paintball, just the trip). i guess, im just glad to spent time with most of the family..

And talking about that, Dad developed an interest in Sudoku, which is why the whole family ends up cracking our heads every night... he bought a puzzle book from POPULAR and wants to sell us the puzzle for 10-20cents each. Siao lah! my bro and I tells him that we will sell the completed puzzle back to him if he insists haha.

Heading to bed with tired arms

Saturday, August 13, 2011

JB tomorrow

With so many thoughts in my head, I really wonder if should go to JB tmr. The reel life making me think, my real life making me think. My body aching from swims, climbs, stairs and work. Haiz.

Dear god, pls give me an answer, a sign?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

So now what...

I used to be quite obtuse about the economy but now I am worried about it. I keep assuring myself that no matter what as long as you are willing to work hard and learn new skills, everything will be fine. Also, the end goal is really more than just how fast you get promoted etc.

Whatever, I just think that I must keep myself positive, be optimistic about life and believe that I can take some control of it. Everything else is in the hands of a superior being.

Enjoy life as much as you can people, we only have 1 life.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Moon struck

For a moment there, I was utterly strucked by how the moon looks. To be so beautiful yet so lonely in the night sky. August has sneaked up to us. Soon we will be saying goodbye to so many and 2011. Soon, I will pass my prime or did I pass it already? But somethings never change... My love for you, my love for the moon.

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