Thursday, March 17, 2011

its a natural disaster, not karma.

I have heard people saying that this is all karma... But lets be clear about 1 thing, these people who are harmed by the earthquake, tsunami & nuclear meltdown are not their ancestors. the people who cause the massacre of WW2 have long gone. These people who are suffering now, they are just unlucky. And we need to help them... i know it isnt much, just providing a little monetary fund but still, i hope i can give some help. You may be able to contribute more, but any/even a small amount will help.

Japan have given me some things i really cant live without: Naruto & all the other comics i read, Sashimi-Sushi-Udon, lovely stationery & organizers, electronics (like cameras!)... and god knows what...

See what you can do to help here:

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