Saturday, November 13, 2010


I watched it with Jes at the newly renovated Yishun10. The seats are great... And the theater is v clean!!! Hee. The air-con may be a tad cooler but overall, I love it!! So near my place u know. Haha.

The movie keeps you on the edge of the seat and is v fast paced. So much so that I tot it was only 30mins when it ended. Serious! Anyway, I won't go into the details but I think it is not bad la. I like both actors esp. Denzel Washington.. :) Chris Pines is good looking also.

But what is really unstoppable is my bestest pal! She got me to do up my resume!!!! Can u believe it? Thank you girl!!! But u should still be more punctual next time ok! I could have slept longer...

Then we went IKEA... Hope on the bus ard 8pm. Had a great swedish dinner. Bought some little stuffs and now I'm walking back home.

A fulfilling day!

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

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