Saturday, November 15, 2008

He will be ( a super sweet post)

His band performance... i am so glad to catch it... because it was so great.. He was so great... (he still is)... and he will be better when he is older...that is something to look fwd to... isnt that great? :)

I am so happy to see him happy... to see him enjoying himself... despite that i actually arrived at SIS Big Steps for Starry Starry Nite 09 pissed. He most likely did not / have forgotten about this. Tired and hungry.. and weather suck.... not in the best of form i guess.. dinner was half a bag of chocolates.. and even tat dint help.

BUT, he did some things RIGHT.... (i better list them to better illustrate how many things he did right)
He came to fetch me even though he was supposed to be taking a break..
found me a place among his frens so tat i wont be too lonely...
make quite a long trip to keep my shoulder bag...
came back and join me... when he could choose not to
Brought water for me...
sat with me despite that it was making his back ache...
HE PERFORM FOR ME (of cos.... he performed for every1 else too)
he allow me to take time to fill my stomach despite his exam tmr morning
held me as i sleep in the taxi (he slept too but that is fine)
sent me home first

But the most wonderful thing... is the way he looks at me from the stage, and how he held my view, smiled for me... and dedicate "I'll be greatest fan of your life" to me with the raise of his arms and the assuring smile... i wonder if he still remembers that he is on one of my fav smile list...

I guess i have to write this out because i do not want to forget today... in a time where strife and conflict is so common... i can only try to hold on and rem the good in life. (no photos bec i have no camera... plus dun think i will have hands to hold it... my hands still tingle due to all the crazy clapping and my voice still weak due to the mad screams...)

But overall.... i feel like im falling in love again to him.... now... its all depends on whether he will fall in love with me again....

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