Wednesday, July 23, 2008

it is about losing oneself and finding oneself

its been some time.... and yet... i am still unsure if i should write.... so little updates... yet so much to tell... i just could not speak of it... i will try of course to tell u a little of what i am going thr... abstractly...

it is about losing oneself and finding oneself

it is about maintaining and maturing

it is about seeking opportunities and foregoing opportunities

it is about knowing and accepting not knowing

it is about me and other than me.

okay... so i that i have bored you....

i can post some just as serious thoughts... something i hope can make you think a little harder when people tell you conventional statements...

"Why change the world to suit you, change yourself to suit the world" -says everybody
"Why change yourself to suit the world, change the world!" - says the great
(it is the cowardly and weak who will tell you to change yourself... but the promising and great will attempt to do the opposite)

"Youth is a time to earn money" -says the young
"Effective time cannot be bought by money" -says the old
(Will you regret in time?)

Think on it!

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