Thursday, July 31, 2008

Beijing Roasted Duck and Quiting

Yup... it is better.... and different from the ones i have tasted in Sg.... drank chinese white wine today... 3 small cups... and was so drowsy... then we went to a bar in Hou Hai (like the clark quay in Sg) and drank a little beer.... 1/4 of the bottle.. hahaha.. im lousy....

so, for the more impt news.... i have told my boss that i am quiting... means i will be coming back to SG really soon... for good.. (or at least.... as far as i know)...

hm... there are many factors push and pull... at this moment.. all i can say is that it is a tough decision... not all will agree with me on my choice.. but i think i have made the better choice.

... do i have ur support?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

2 nights in Beijing

yup.... in the capital of China... what a wonderful experience.... but v busy... slept at 2am last night... trying to get the internet up and last rehersal.... now... im so tired.... . ok got to cut it short... have to go already...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

it is about losing oneself and finding oneself

its been some time.... and yet... i am still unsure if i should write.... so little updates... yet so much to tell... i just could not speak of it... i will try of course to tell u a little of what i am going thr... abstractly...

it is about losing oneself and finding oneself

it is about maintaining and maturing

it is about seeking opportunities and foregoing opportunities

it is about knowing and accepting not knowing

it is about me and other than me.

okay... so i that i have bored you....

i can post some just as serious thoughts... something i hope can make you think a little harder when people tell you conventional statements...

"Why change the world to suit you, change yourself to suit the world" -says everybody
"Why change yourself to suit the world, change the world!" - says the great
(it is the cowardly and weak who will tell you to change yourself... but the promising and great will attempt to do the opposite)

"Youth is a time to earn money" -says the young
"Effective time cannot be bought by money" -says the old
(Will you regret in time?)

Think on it!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grad Nite Photos 2 (that's it)

Find others at facebook... mine or on my pals...hahaha...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Grad Nite Photos

yup..... we look great.. hahaha... but hm.. there should be more i think.... ppl.. do send them to me k? school email. Thanks!

Friday, July 11, 2008

un poco loco (a little crazy)

i must be... a little crazy to spend the limited time i have now to blog this. but this morning i have no activities. So, here i am at home, checking my email and find out that i screw up sth at work (Great shit)... and i have some notes to write to my parents which cause me to be emotionally wrecked (but im recovering). will have to go to NP to do some necessary shopping because i need to bring back some stuff to China. (which reminds me that i have no idea wat to get my colleagues... which means i will just end up with chocolates or tidbits for them....)

hey guys.... im really happy to meet you all... some only on the phone.... but it is great to hear from you ya noe? i think i finally realised how important some of you guys are... our relationships (frens and relatives). and i fear (oh yes i do) that one fine day i will lose ya all.. it is really easy to forget you noe... esp if you are working (busy busy) and not making effort to meet.... so pple in singapore... rem to meet often k, you guys have the luxury of distance (the lack of), so just make opportunities k?

think of me fondly...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Back in SG.

and the verdict is that nothing has changed on the surface. but who is to say that if one digs deeper beneath the surface.... one will the contrary.

my family says that i havent change much, except to be fairer and slightly fatter.... haiz.
well... i hope that is what they want and desire.

meeting up with friends is another matter.... think im less and less talkative... just feel like there isnt much to say you noe... haiz... but it is so nice to see them all and just seat around.