Monday, June 30, 2008

a list of things i wan to get from sg

1. Earl Grey tea - checked
2. office clothes (esp. pants) -checked
3. smart casual clothes -nope
4. shoes (at least 1 pair) -checked
5. wind-breaker (maybe i will get this in china, depends) -nope
6. CDs into my laptop - nope
7. Books... (non-fict) -checked

yup yup... i noe it is stupid to put this list on but it serves as a reminder...
it is not tat im crazy and wan to buy stuff... just tat sometimes it is not v easy to buy stuff here.. of course HK is another matter.

tired but so excited to go back... i need a tan... think i will go swimming at least 2 times when im back.hahaha oh i miss the pool and the beach and the ... just the...

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