Monday, June 30, 2008

a list of things i wan to get from sg

1. Earl Grey tea - checked
2. office clothes (esp. pants) -checked
3. smart casual clothes -nope
4. shoes (at least 1 pair) -checked
5. wind-breaker (maybe i will get this in china, depends) -nope
6. CDs into my laptop - nope
7. Books... (non-fict) -checked

yup yup... i noe it is stupid to put this list on but it serves as a reminder...
it is not tat im crazy and wan to buy stuff... just tat sometimes it is not v easy to buy stuff here.. of course HK is another matter.

tired but so excited to go back... i need a tan... think i will go swimming at least 2 times when im back.hahaha oh i miss the pool and the beach and the ... just the...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

random thinking

someone told me... i will be heading back to SG after 1.5 years... and i wonder what to make of that.....

...... ....... i want to shift... to 搬家... i wonder where to stay and how to go about it.

i had lots of fun watching people over dinner today... makes me think of being in sg and watching people... (trust me, it is v different from here... over here.. i dun watch pple as often.. bec it isnt nice... what you see). humans are such interesting studies... they can be happy one moment, serious another, light and quickly. that is why... they are so difficult to understand....

.....can humans be without falsity?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

flight details - as requested. haha

On 5th July, I will be on flight TR987,
- departing in Guangzhou at 10.50am
- arriving in Singapore at 2.40pm

On 13th July, I wil be on flight TR986,
- departing in Singapore at 6.25am
- arriving in Guangzhou at 10.20am

Should be Changi T3 if im not wrong...
My mom will fetch me at the airport on 5th july. isnt she cool! cant wait!!!!

which reminds me... i need to change the date for my 1 yr return ticket... that i got for my trip to GZ. Be nice and remind me k?

sending lots of hugs and kisses.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

untitled poem

warmth from a paper cup,
a comfort to your hands.

sip it in heart's winter-
a sure balm for many pangs.

Breathe in the calming low notes,
and let fly your disturbness

make the real imagined,
believe in what you make

Sunday, June 15, 2008

IKEA @ GuangZhou

prefer the one at home... but the prices here are cheaper... much cheaper... the cafe here is v small.. i would say half of Alexander's... and the meatballs and chickenwing are not as good. haha... as u can see... main purpose was to try the food there... haha... typical.

anyway... work is going slowly... havent done anything really sales yet... more operational... missing u guys more and more.... so glad that i can meet up with u soon... i will be back on Sat 5th July and will leave after Commencement... freakish early on Sunday morning... so anything, pls arrange within those days k?

I have already booked the flight.. Tiger Airways... best timing plus best price... not sure about the comfort level though... so ya... oh ya... anything u guys need? do let me know... small items pls.. bec luagage allowance is pathetic. so ya... did i say i miss u guys? the people i love... it has been awhile huh... but know that i keep u guys close... always... though i may miss ur bdays sometimes...

till next time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

im pissed

bec yes, i have gain weight... sheesh man... fat thighs and double chin here i come.

Monday, June 2, 2008

trouble in a tea cup or more

its not Shichuan's earthquake or myanmar's cyclone but it sure hit my heart with an unerring accuracy and pull at my heart and tear string.... its only been 2 plus months... and the realationship is only just bearing its first harvest.... but already... the forecast of a dry spell is lurking behind the clouds some distance away. my friend has decided to leave the company that i just joined. my best pal and kaki.... the implications of this decision is numerous and impactful, im sure you do not need further explanation, pple as wise as true hearted as you.
Of course, it is not the end of the world (look at all the new telecast of the hope and courage shown in aftermath of Sichuan's earthquake- so much it is an overkill if i ever saw one) but man does it hurt (rub eyes). hate it! feel so upset and like a fool... but if this is god's lesson... (they all bloodly are) i will just have to deal with it in a couragous and trusting manner.
to all my friends back home.... treasure the pple u have (in sg and else where(big hint: ME)) because u really nv noe when u will lose them.
"God bless America, oops... i mean China... er... nono... Singapore?" wat the heck.... just "ME" will be fine.