Tuesday, April 29, 2008

pre trip to Wuhan

im going to Wuhan... the place of my friend's uni years. it is supposedly very relaxing... a place of culture and history... it is also filled with students.. and hopefully i will feel like a student there...

my worries... i have spoken about briefly in the prev. entry are about my work... the environment... how i feel left out sometimes... but it could just be just all one sided... unfounded too... but i just feel kinda.. you noe?

anyway... im super tired but im packing my bag for the trip. and y im tired is bec yest i reach home ard 2 plus am... after a nite of fare-thee-well party at a niteclub cum KTV.... i will really miss the fellow man! he is v cool... but the drinking can kill... i felt like 1 more cup and i will puke straight up... haiz... but luckily Simon (my teammate) help me drink quite a lot. kudos to him. but it also made me feel like im so useless... haiz..

anyway... tmr is another working day for me.... and after that... i will take a train to Wuhan. wish u guys all a good holiday... its labour day (oh ya... we only have 1 day off here... but boss gave 1 more day! uber cool eh?)

nites all. hugs and kisses
(p.s. need to get lots of stuff from sg...)

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