Tuesday, April 29, 2008

pre trip to Wuhan

im going to Wuhan... the place of my friend's uni years. it is supposedly very relaxing... a place of culture and history... it is also filled with students.. and hopefully i will feel like a student there...

my worries... i have spoken about briefly in the prev. entry are about my work... the environment... how i feel left out sometimes... but it could just be just all one sided... unfounded too... but i just feel kinda.. you noe?

anyway... im super tired but im packing my bag for the trip. and y im tired is bec yest i reach home ard 2 plus am... after a nite of fare-thee-well party at a niteclub cum KTV.... i will really miss the fellow man! he is v cool... but the drinking can kill... i felt like 1 more cup and i will puke straight up... haiz... but luckily Simon (my teammate) help me drink quite a lot. kudos to him. but it also made me feel like im so useless... haiz..

anyway... tmr is another working day for me.... and after that... i will take a train to Wuhan. wish u guys all a good holiday... its labour day (oh ya... we only have 1 day off here... but boss gave 1 more day! uber cool eh?)

nites all. hugs and kisses
(p.s. need to get lots of stuff from sg...)

Monday, April 28, 2008

a little troubled

its late but i just wanted to let u guys know... that i am a little pensive... a little unsure.... and will make a trip to 武汉 to get away from it all.... will provide the full story (or as much as i can when i have the time to.) u guys are often in my thoughts... take care and hope u have less worries than moi!

Monday, April 21, 2008

it literally rained on me

the ceiling aircon spoilt... and it was dripping like mad... pple in the office tot that it was raining outside bec of the sound of the pitter pattering.... haha... but it was just the aircon rainning on me... and it almost killed my laptop man... plus the desktop com....

hey ppl miss ya all so much.... dreamt i was in sg yesterday... shopping... hahahaha.... i noe... how lousy of me... not to dream of ppl but of shopping... made me v happy till i got up and see no shopping bags.... hahaha...

anyway... take care ppl...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

photos of 桂林1

Traveling down 漓江


i climb up all the way to take this pic (梯田)

one scene from 印象-刘三姐. it was beautiful!

Love how it came out.

photos of 桂林2

isnt it picturesque? (boss taking a shot)

does the peak look like the goddess of mercy?

YangShuo, West Street (西街)

reflections of ceiling of cave in water (倒影)

one of my best pals at work and play

photos may paint a beautiful picture
but no one knows as clear as me
the person who looks through the lens of the camera
just how the framing of a photo makes all the difference.

Monday, April 7, 2008

i can see clearly now...

the sky is clear... i finally see blue skies today... and at night when im playing basketball... i saw stars... it is rare u noe... to see blue skies... which is a common sight in sg.

arrive in GZ today and headed to work after going home to freshen up. guilin is great... it is beautiful... there is peaks and hills everywhere... mountains.... it is said 桂林山水甲天下and it really seem that case.... singapore have a 小桂林 too right? haha.. it is no where near the true Guilin though... i took a train to and fro... 13 hours to (seats and there are lots of people man...seat and standing... 1.3 billion really is a lot). the coming back was quite nice.. 6 beds in a ward... like in a cruise ship that kind... on the wall one.... really quite a comfortable and relaxing environment.... will see if i can post the pics up soon...

guys... watever u guys are doing right now... i wish all of u happy and healthy... take care!

photos coming soon....