Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seriously random

Listening to 豆浆油条, and I seem to recall my past romance. The beginning always seem so pure and wholesome. So uncomplicated.

Curled up in my plastic chair, I look forward to my coming adventure. How the night will be on my diving trip, surrounded by friends and cousins.. Staring into a star-filled sky, the tired yawns and random laughters.

To friends flying overseas, friends flying to Singapore. I can't wait to catch up with you all! My life is so enriched because of your presence. And one day when you have your own life.. Will I have enough to sustain my need to activities?

On to another Chinese ballad... With the wind blowing at my nape, my hair still cold and wet. I wish life is as breezy as the wind. Light and gentle, caressing..

Have you thought how much of our life is base on facts and how much on faith? Facts being truths that we can prove. Faith being truths that we can't. Because I think most of us think we based more on facts when in reality and careful thought, we live our lives mainly on blind faith.
Do I believe in another world under the sea? Do I believe there are aliens? Do I believe that God exist? Do I believe in the evil? Hell yes! Do I believe in good? Hm... Lol. Sadly, is its a lot harder to believe in good than evil.

If, and that is a big "if"(like it isn't already) life becomes a never ending up slope... And you want to give up. Will you remember that what is important it is who climbed with you and not how much you climbed?

Progressed to blogging on my bed. And all I think of is the delicious thai food that paste a smile on my face.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Martin Luther said "if I rest, I rust." Sometimes, I feel that way, that my life should be spent in activity till I have none left. Because to be idle is a scary thought.

Someone older and more experienced told me that I shouldn't be playing so much. That I need to grow up and realized that I have alot of responsibilities and obligations to take up. I need to travel less, spent less, play less and make more money and save more for the future.

What future? The world is ending aint it? Yeah I know I sound flippant. It is a cover up, my lack of levity. Trust me, my soul is heavy and I feel like giving up sometimes. If only you understand my untold fears and worries.

Still waters.. What do they say about them? That they run deep? Beware the silent and quiet because they maybe the most dangerous.

Absence makes the heart fonder but out of sight, out of mind. Which is truer?

Can love and fear co-exist?

Friday, March 16, 2012

There is life in space.

How do I know that there is life in space? Because every time I look up into the stars, they answer back!

Those pinheads of light, are peepholes into my soul. and no matter how my soul echo, there is a resounding tremble.

That even if I am alone, I am with friends.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Reach home at 11.15pm

And was pleasantly surprise with the Lao Ban Dou Hua mom bought. :)
It's been a long day but again. Not wasted!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just updates

Work is challenging. Seriously, i left office at 10.50pm (had dinner at my desk) and I never left that I was wasting time today.

I fell ill again. Haiz. Don't know what the hell is wrong with my body. And I think it won't be long till i become too weak.

Anyways... Let's not bother with the depressing stuff and try some prose.

At the heart, the city beats,
To a military band's running beat.
There is a zealous drive,
A caffeine induced high.
And the pounding of a million feet
All centered round the chairman's seat.
The air is heavy and the shoulder burden;
The eyes are open but bodies vacant.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A little sick

I think I am quite weak. Either that or my previous ailment did not recover fully.

Anyway, I think it is not just my body that is under the weather. My heart is sick too. But that is another story. Everyone of us has a story, it can be of lose, one of gain, one of mayhem, one of betrayal, one of love and joy and happy ever afters. Mine is one of the bleaker themes.

So tired and just need to close my ryes and not think.

Nites and may all ur stories be the good ones.

Friday, March 2, 2012

USS 2012 Feb 15

Some times you feel down.

Just had an amazing dinner with my pals but I still feel out of sorts. It's time like these that make me question my life. But I know better than that right? I know better that sometimes I just need to be strong in my individuality. No one owns me a meal, no one owns me happiness. I make my own happiness! So why is it that some times I feel so far from being happy?

Hopefully, things will get better soon. :)