Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

Good health, good luck, good eating for all! May our friendship strengthen with time.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Ate too late. 9.30pm? After I finish my meal and was leaving the pain struck. Wasn't able to walk had to squat by the side of the path to mrt. But the problem was so serious I took a cab home. It hurt all the way back. Reach home at 11.30. Still hurting but less already. Hope everything turns put well. I'm so stupid to eat late. Haiz.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas in October

it is 3 mins past 12. midnight and i am plugged in to random Christmas songs. the weather is chilly and my damp hair sits uncombed on the fluffy towel that i carelessly left on my shoulders. it has been there since i stepped out of the bathroom.

its Christmas! Unbelievable! Oh, how time has flown for me. i still feel like it is only October. Yes, Christmas in October!

So much has happened, how life has picked up and left some pieces unpicked. it truly is like how people described it- life is like a river. and the river is never the same at any point, it picks up rubbles and leaves some them behind, who knows what you will find downstream and what is left upstream? who knows?

what is 2012 going to bring?
what has 2011 gave me?

i fear to look too deeply into them. may i just have the courage to walk forward positively, courageous and without looking back in regret. sometimes, that is all it takes isnt it? dont think too much...

And the song sings "may your days be merry and bright... and may all your Christmases be white..." and while i wish all of you a merry and bright Christmas, i definitely do not want snow in Singapore... already the weather around the world is going topsy turvy... some usual and expected weather will be good.

listening to White Christmas, Winter Wonderland, Santa Baby, All I want for Christmas is You, Blue Christmas, Silver Bells....

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Terrible day

Just kill me le.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

meeting old friends

Especially after a significant amount of time apart can be quite interesting.
How time has made changes and left some things unchanged.
How we have all grown up in our own ways, and where we are in life now..

I am so happy for the couple expecting their first born! :)
Happy to find people who love their jobs :)
Happy to spend time with great conversationist :)

Other silly and not important things:
1. Paradise Dynasty xiaolongbao is better than DingTaiFeng's
2. Jones the Grocer is a great place. the Ice vanilla latte is great, apple crumble so-so only.
3. My xmas shopping is well on its way already.... lol

Monday, December 5, 2011

A little sore

All that kayaking made me a little sore at my shoulder and lower back. Haha. So old le. But it was damn fun!!! ESP the rain man!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dreamt of work.

Is the stress surfacing?