Wednesday, September 28, 2011

starting on another chapter...

too much and yet not sure where and how to start regarding my resignation at 3M.
i guess i will have to pen down my thoughts soon but now, i think i need to let it sink in.

anyways... here is a lovely song which i would love to be played at my funneral. go check out the lyrics too.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Love thief

Fell in love with a pirate, and he was robbing my family of some family heirloom that I dint even know of.

In my dream he was charming and too quickly gain my trust and love.

I wonder why I would dream of this and wake to a loss quite profound, esp. of something I didn't even really own in life.

Maybe sandman thought some alternative reality is required. Afterall, I have not been reading. It must be some strong dream powder because I took some strong medication before I sleep and felt quite giddy as I lay on my bed.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

I am just sick

Sick of every farking thing.
And it is sad sad sad indeed bec how can lose sight of how wonderful life is..

Maybe I am too cynical to enjoy life's gifts. Maybe I am too fearful of the future. Maybe I am just a fool who keeps myself unhappy.

Whatever it. Life is good. It is just me not being appreciative.

Dear god, cure me of my sickness!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fanciful thoughts

There is a raging battle going on without anyone the wiser- that of good versus evil. It takes place everywhere. In the underground mazes, the cloudy mountain peaks, the skyscrapers glass prisons, the rain-forests hollow trunks, the cave-valleys of the ocean and most of all in depths of the hearts of man.

Like the mystical battle between the unicorn and the lion, this goes on for as long as Time itself can remember. From the birth of the first man to the the baby delivered at this very moment. Each has sign up for the war. And as in all wars, legions will switch, lifes taken or loss, some will rise to be great leaders, some will enjoy the spoils of war and some will pave the fields with their broken bodies and feed the vultures with their souls.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, September 5, 2011

rare nice photo of me with the lovely jes

I look so pretty here!!! ( Jes looks great as usual of cos)