Sunday, October 31, 2010

Flying off to Korea now

See ya all when I get back! Which would be Friday night.

@ BK, Changi Airport

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Lip gloss- Hiakus

High shine, ultra volum-izing,
"Apply thinly"
It rained on tar and grass.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do what you love

And don't settle for less..,if that is the case why am I here?

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Little boy, I called Bert.

I was walking along... just on my way home when i met a little boy in a yellow kiddy t-shirt.
He skips by me in his fruit basket slippers in a jaunty manner that left me smiling in his wake.
As i struggled behind him, heavily weighted down by my laptop, i watch as he moves like Hermes in flight.
My black heels doing too little as they hit the cement with ugly thuds, thuds, thuds.
His criss-crossing of the shelter pillar like an individual waltz...
This little boy in a yellow kiddy t-shirt, I called Bert.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mommy... what does virgin mean?

Because you are such a good audience... hahaha.

Freaking Spider!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Re-loaded bec it is just too freaking touching

Spoiler Alert - Kurt's dad got into a coma due to cardic arrest in this episode

Jade Terrace by Soe Soe

It caught my eye when i walked pass Ode to Art at Raffles City Shopping Centre... and it was at least a good 30mins before i walk off. You have to see it for yourselves... the image just jumps out at you with its realistic texture and amazing capture of the sunlight and shadow...

(image taken from the postcard fr Ode to Art)

To be a cat - poem

To be a cat
was what i dream
when i was a tad,
wee bit thing.

during summer
or ordinary hot days
it lay sleepily
on grass or parking lots.

eyes tightly shut,
ears flopped close,
stomach up or sideways
hands as pillows do.

winter came and
inside it leaped
well snuggled in basket,
purring on soft laps.

To be a cat,
i used to dream...
now isnt that
a pretty darn thing?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Movie: Flipped

Havent watch it... dont know if Singapore will be showing or has already shown... just tot this has potential...

Thank you for loving me

More than i can explain... for so much.. for so many... just these simple words... Thank you for loving me.

no one will love you more than family

someone may love you so much that you think they love you more than family... dont be taken in. no one loves you more than family will. No one will love you as consistently as family... no one will love you for who you are including all your shortcomings like family..

maybe family dont always show it... but they love you A LOT.

There is always a choice

There is always a choice, even in situations in which neither choice is pleasing or beneficial to you. You choose to do it cheerily or you choose to do it unhappily. But still, there is a choice.

Tell me again why being a vegetable isn't better?

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Poem - Parting

THERE'S no use in weeping,

Though we are condemned to part:

There's such a thing as keeping

A remembrance in one's heart:

There's such a thing as dwelling

On the thought ourselves have nurs'd,

And with scorn and courage telling

The world to do its worst.

We'll not let its follies grieve us,

We'll just take them as they come;

And then every day will leave us

A merry laugh for home.

When we've left each friend and brother,

When we're parted wide and far,

We will think of one another,

As even better than we are.

Every glorious sight above us,

Every pleasant sight beneath,

We'll connect with those that love us,

Whom we truly love till death !

In the evening, when we're sitting

By the fire perchance alone,

Then shall heart with warm heart meeting,

Give responsive tone for tone.

We can burst the bonds which chain us,

Which cold human hands have wrought,

And where none shall dare restrain us

We can meet again, in thought.

So there's no use in weeping,

Bear a cheerful spirit still;

Never doubt that Fate is keeping

Future good for present ill !

Charlotte Bronte (1855)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Do not stand at my grave and weep - Poem

Do not stand at my grave and weep,

I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glint on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you wake in the morning hush,

I am the swift, uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circling flight.

I am the soft starlight at night.

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there, I do not sleep.

Do not stand at my grave and cry.

I am not there, I did not die!

Mary Frye (1932)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Duty & obligation

Hate them.