Tuesday, September 28, 2010

some things

When the day is done, or at least when you are considering to hit the sack... you may think of many things, some you shouldnt waste time on, some too heavy to wrap your mind on...

Some things...

things are always ending...

I am very boggled down by anger (cant seem to let it go)

unpleasant things arent ending as much as i hope

my stomach/ digestion is still terrible

im looking for someone who i can dinner with everynight comfortably (for the rest of my life)

cant wait for GLEE S2 E2

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." -C.S Lewis

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Glee Season 2

Glee Season 2 Promo :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I promise that this October

I will go see the doctor.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Angels in disguise

he is a giver
of hope,
the caretaker of the fountain
of youth.
he must have shared in the garden of eden,
with God.
at my lowest,
he will throw me a torch.
this great believer
of self-service.

i used to doubt
but now i know better.

The night holds...

The night holds what the day cannot shoulder,
and the moon boldly illuminates what the sun shys from.

Take a bow - Glee

Friday, September 17, 2010

Jiminy Cricket

My conscious has a voice he is unafraid to use. In fact he seldom whisper in my ear. More commonly, his is the booming voice that command my whole attention. While he has the best of intentions, his manners leave me uneasy and put me off. He points and swing his orange umbrella roughly to make his point and his hard and hurried taps give me a headache. Makes me want to swat him like a fly but... my conscious he has voice which make me listens. Abet unhappily.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He and his fish.

He sat by the aquarium. That's the only thing that caught his attention. Not the lack of money on the table. Not the cramped letter box of bills and mess on the dinning table. Not the emptiness of the refrigerator nor the similarly bare rooms.

He sat by the aquarium and speak softly in fish-ish. He and his fish.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Random tuesday.

Feeling sick in my stomach. Literally. Hopefully it will go off soon...think I screw up my meals again.

Haiz. Wonder wat the doc will say if he knows I skip his prescription the last time. Grace ah grace....

Anyway, I have been sleeping poorly for 2 days le. Having those rest consuming dreams. Yesterday I dreamt of work. It seems so long that I feel like I work a full 24hr shift.

Luckily, it's just my physical well-being at risk.

More work is given to me. Is it a good or bad thing? Hm...

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sweet As (Kaikoura Day Trip)

To Kaikoura via Tranz Coastal Train

The views will always stay with me....

The most beautiful shot of all (of whales)

Whale Watch Crusie - 4 sightings!!!


They have lots of cool wall murals

(big smile) That's all folks!

Its been wonderful! Maybe i will blog it out another time... but seriously, NZ is amazing... love it so much! Try to go there at least once in your life!!!!

Sweet As (Christchurch)

Cathedral Square

CHCH Art Gallery

Cupcake booth!!! so pretty!
the Art Centre

"This way to Zoology" sign, but i just think its cute!

Hidding under one of those basement windows :)

CHCH Cable Car

Friday, September 10, 2010

en Route to Christchurch via the Tranz Scenic Rail

Missed out a whole lot of photo taking opportunites bec of glass reflection as well as it being too cold/windy at the viewing deck. But it was indeed a beautiful scenic ride! I can totally see a LOTR character ride cross the fields and down the hills..

Sweet As (Fox Glacier)

Welcome to the small township of Fox Glacier

Yes! walking on a glacier- here i go!

Look super unglam but thats the uniform!

Another of my fav pic! Happy to complete the trek!

BTW, it is not easy to complete this! it was cold and wet... rain the whole time we were there....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I dreamt of murder last night

Murder and secrets, at work.. Just the usual themes that haunt me in the dark.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Sweet As (Queenstown)

Jes & the Queenstown Mall (P.S. we spent the most money here!!!!)

Queenstown - Picture Perfect!

Ferg Burger - The Best Burger I have ever had! The freaking long queue is SO worth it!

Before the free fall from 9000ft!
the view is great... the plane, not so. LOL

Anyways, Queenstown is really really beautiful (fact is most part of south island is...) Oh, BTW, I dun look like that (as in the photos) now...got a new hairdo which may or may not make you want to stuck a finger down ur throat.. haha.. but well... so far, im cool with it... if you do see me.. dun get too shock!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Milford Sound Cruise

One of my fav photo of the whole trip!

en Route to Milford Sound

"Life really only have 1 beginning and 1 end... and a whole lot of middle." In NZ, the journey is as beautiful if not more than the destination itself...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sweet As (Dunedin)

Gosh... i cant believe the news today when mom woke me from my slumber.... but it is true... 7. sth on the scale...
New Zealand is really really pretty and lovely to stay in!

Anyway.. the hectic presentation finished yesterday 9pm.... so here are a small selection of photos.... :)

Dunedin (De-ne-dun)

World's Steepest Street
First Presbyterian Church in Dunedin

Dunedin Railway Station - 1 of the most photographed building in South Island.. (Image is not from me... sadly, we dint take any nice photo of this station... hahaha and the flowers you see here are not in bloom. So, this will give you a better representation. But Still a very nice building indeed!