Monday, August 30, 2010


- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Enjoy - New Zealand Air (Crazy about Rugby) Safety Vid

Doesnt it make you want to go New Zealand?!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Change of plans.

Wasn't supposed to blog today but I couldn't help myself. It's cold, wet and a bit lonely on my side of the planet. And despite it all, I'm heading out, like some folks do bec anyway will be better than at home.

Maybe if home didn't spell so much like tome and didn't sound like a moan. Maybe then it wouldn't give me such a dread.

All in all, it has been a terrible day- like duh. Else I won't even write (loitering at 755 block deck).

Thank goodness I can lie to myself, how else can I convince myself that life is indeed beautiful? There r thousands and hundreds and much more sad pathetic creature out there. Thank goodness I'm not one of them???

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Seriously, no time la

Just wan to let everyone know that it was the best holiday ever! And that I didn't die jumping off the plane at 9000feet and rafting in the icy cold river...

Photos will come out at a later time la... No time. 1000 over photos. But most v blur or ugly so should be able to narrow down on some presentable ones...

Erm, anything substantial will come only during this weekend at best. Sorry guys.

Yup stay alive n healthy... I'm trying.

Ohya, finally watched inception!!! Shiok man!

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Gone Fishing!

Will be back on 18th night!

Be safe all of ya!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I need a stranger to Hear me.

Some times I wish I can talk to some one who doesn't know me who wouldn't judge and who will not take my ranting as burden, just me having a verbal LS.

But where can I find someone who will give good advise and yet not feel pressured with what I have unloaded to him?

Kept so much bottled inside..

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)