Thursday, October 30, 2008

i know

"i know" 2 words but a depth full of meaning...

i know you guys dont want me to write another heavy entry... well... i have wanted to write some stuff a few days back... but i cant seem to write down anything then...

i know that life is mostly good but.... it sure can test your belief in that.

i know that some people fleet in and out of my life... their transient presence in my life were written in the stars... these people's influences however were not tied to the duration of the time we were together... i will most probably rem them even in my deathbed... however, i also know that some people are meant to walk beside me throughout my life's journey... their influences... most likely made me who i am... and mold me to become who i will be.
now, do i know who are those people who will just see me thr a part of life and who are those who will be the ones who will make up a part of my life?

I guess thats why the smart people out there dont open their hearts to others...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

walking in the rain

why do people walk in the rain?
some, like me simply like being hit by raindrops
some, like me simply find it more efficient not to hold an umbrella
some, like me simply could not find an umbrella,
some, like me like to play with/in/among water

some, like me.... want to hid my tear-drops with raindrops
thats why they walk in the rain...

i love the stretch from SOB to City hall MRT... the stretch along SMRT building...
i always feel so much while walking along that stretch... happy, sad, in a hurry... heck-care... serious, playful and even... when i am a wreck..

Sunday, October 19, 2008

randomly selected posts from my hp's note function

19 oct 6.24pm - i honestly dun noe if i should savour my happiness now bec it seems that the end is near. And if that de case should i be preparing? to began erecting walls and canons for a defensive strategy? but to do that isnt that a sign of no faith? is this happiness? or just the lull before de storm?

16 oct - its a educating thing to watch. to be in audience of a birth of something in high expectation. A band of nerves, flying over and across de room bouncing off the walls. Pick de strings as you would your steps, careful and with precision. bec every note is mote if it does not stand out against de noise.

4 oct - the morning after, the sky and earth clash, it was Quiet that reign. it was Silence that maintain the peace. but for how long it will rule will depends on the mercy of the gods and the strength of their love.

10 sept - a friend's joke - the gentle poke, create an irreversible change, resulting in an awkward situation.

Friday, October 17, 2008

playing 2nd fiddle

sad and almost ashamed to say that... i hate to play 2nd fiddle.. and i guess... i just am too egoistic to want to do that... at least when it comes to my relationship with my bf....

hate to lose... esp to a hobby... finally understood how he felt when i have a book beside me.... i guess... that i have no choice now.. but to quickly get my hands on a book... so that i can pretend that i am not being neglected......

xiao ting.. i thought of u today.. when i hear 朋友 on the radiowaves... we spent so much time in KTV and we sang this song so often that i immediately thought of u guys when it played... wishing all of you happy and hearty....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

the thing about social networking websites....

is that... some can really get addict to it.... im not talking about myself.. my updates tend to be really really old...

it is really effective in that many people can immediately get to know what is going on in ur life... except.. this doesnt really help if the people most impt to you are not as into such thing as compared to others (the more general people...)

So here is my lament about 1 social networking website.... bec i do not use the networking services... i tend to miss out on what is going on in my bf's life... and he doesnt really like to tell me how he is feeling except to update "What are you doing now" every time... so this gf (Me) do not know as much about her bf as other people who are whoring on the website does...

should i feel ashamed? hm.. honestly... i dont know.... wat do u guys think?

Friday, October 10, 2008

the almost never - 5th Anniversary

it almost never come into existence... this anniversary of ours... but i am very proud and thankful that we have managed another year...

i have always maintained that anniversary do not need to be emphasised too much.... no need to much fanfare... expensive gifts etc.... but after coming so close to not reaching our 5th year together... i really have to say that i was wrong... not utterly wrong but still... much mistaken.
bec.. it is not easy to stay together for 1 year... esp. if people travel or change or adapt their lifestyle... thus... it is good to remind ourselves and each other that... well have survived the arguments, tempers, doubts and neglect.... and have held on to the happiness, fun, laughter, cosiness, companionship and love.

of course some of you loverbirds out there celebrate monthly anniversaries... weekly.... or even *gasp... daily? :) it is good to express your love all year round.... but do so within your means... and nv forget that small things can speaks loudly....

SO,... what we did today.. after work we met in SMU drop our laptops... and went to Tony Roma's... i promised him that even before i went to China... so i delivered my promise... a gd start for the next year rite? and he rem sth which i didnt think he would... which meant a lot to me.... we had ice cream for deserts... just 1 scoop - we shared.

here is wat Yihui gave me:
A card filled with message and a love voucher... :) the most (ever for him) thought-thr, meaningful present that he had ever give to me.
And i got him Armani's Diamond... it smell damn nice... PLUS he loves it too.. :) so now... we are even... he gave me a diamond before and now i gave him one too.. :)

ok... so better go to rest now.. god knows... i have v little of that these days.... filled with love.

Friday, October 3, 2008

the 3M machine

there really is a steep learning curve...
the orientation was for 1 month....
the work starts 1 week into my joining...

so that explains why my blog is not updated as frequently...

i have been thr a lot.... and not just career wise... my relationship with my bf has also changed.... it is a long story... and at this pt in time i still cant say if it is for the better... it so scary... i think... i have nv tot there could a day like that.... now i feel so unsure about everything... haiz....