Saturday, September 27, 2008

so much and so little, so near and so far

the final baggage has arrived... i havent take stock of them yet but it seems that all is intact.
my first pay check from 3M has arrived too... wanted to share some of the cash with my family... by treating them to dinner yest. but no 1 cared.... so i end up spending it only on myself... Bf too busy.

ok, a quick simple down and dirty explanation of the title of this entry..
so much to say and do and so little time, got my pay... yet still in debt...
so near to people ard me... yet so freakingly far from their hearts and mind

okay... that sums up all i have to say to you... but, Yi Hui, we have to talk.

Monday, September 15, 2008

birds and the bzzz

the birds wake me up.... man.... they are a noisy bunch... you dun get that in Foshan...
1st day at work... and already im swarmed with work.... but that is a good thing too... the people at 3M are still so warm and friendly. :)

so bz im sorry if i didnt manage to meet up with you people... but i promised i will... slowly... tired... but still have some stuff that need my attention.

glad to be back

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grace returns

into the 2nd day... and already... i think the air is making me feel better...
but.. i cant say that i am total happy yet.... i have undergone so much loss... that i think it will take some time before i can get back to being happy grace.

thanks to my hon for coming to fetch me from the airport... lucky i have him when i return to an empty house... (bros and dad out... mom still in China).... met jes, liyu, tian today... thank u gals for meeting me... so sorry i didnt get anything for u guys... i didnt get anything for anybody this time... too ex and too heavy to bring back...

my trip to Yiwu (义乌) is not bad... but v tiring... bec it is more work related then vacation.... wont blog about it... u can ask me abt it another time.

will start work on Monday.... hm... went for medical today.. all fine... and got some stuffs planned... hope i will get them done real soon.

Friday, September 5, 2008

heart sick*

someone told me that i hurt people's feeling... and that im insincere about people... which makes me sad and damn pissed bec... i know that i am most sincere towards people-who i feel are worthy to be sincere too.... what you (you people... who i gave my blog address to) see is the true-blue me... i open my heart to make space for all of you... and how i wished... it is same case for you.. but... some things cant be forced... and i dun like to influence others... so i let you be.

think wat you want...
go ahead hurt my feelings...
i am silly and stupid...
but i still believe that man is worth saving.







Thursday, September 4, 2008

Details- flight details NEW!!!!

Dear all...

my flight is postphone to 11 Sept....
Flight: SQ0851
Date: 11SEP
Time (Departure at GZ): 1325
Time (Arrive at SG): 1725

Hm... great day huh....