Tuesday, May 27, 2008

i think i have changed... a little

but i hope.. i dun over compensate.

Monday, May 26, 2008

"hey wat u doing?"

someone tried to pick my pocket today...when i was getting on the bus... 3 men rushed up.. separating and friend and I. She got in first... followed by one guy who rushed up the bus... then me.. then 2 others tried to squeeze in... resulting in me getting pushed around... in the pushing and squeezing at the bus door... i saw one of the guy put his hand into my shorts pocket, wanting to steal my hp... damnit man... i was stunt.. my respond was "hey, 你在干吗?不要拿我的东西!" can you picture it? among all the rough jerking around... i still did not hit him or scold him... man... and i think he was as stunt to find me catching him in the act of stealing my hp... he and his friend decided to give up my hp and quickly got down the bus... meanwhile i was raising my voice and saying "小偷,小偷!". only then my friend realise that something was wrong... lol.... but man.. it was scary... my heart was beating quite fast after the pickpockets left...
so that was what happen today... and all i can say is... thank you god! and to all my friends...for ur prayers.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

From HK

Reach Empire Hotel Kowloon ard 11pm tonight... and is up online... will be staying in HK for 2 nights.. but it will be busy busy for me... because i need to finish up some work... even when im not in office.

2nd time in HK for making the stupid visa.. haiz... but i have to admit HK is nice... esp. compared to GuangZhou haha... BUT im so freaking tired.... the traveling and the work goes on...

It is getting busier in office and i am meeting some problems... what i can say is that i will try to accomodate and change but without losing myself... i hope i can do it... pls pray for me k? i know i can work things out if i know what direction to take... and today i have a better view of where i should be heading... now... i should make effort to suit.

pple... i do hope that u dun give up easily... despite the hardship... because it really is... not easily.. life and work.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

the iron man

it was damn nice... the ending was abrupt though.. but still it was a great show... techic yet nice acting.... anyway.... after i came out of the cinema.... i felt that when the show was playing.. i was in sg....it feels so great u noe...i was like bursting with joy... lol..... and i wan to watch Indie!!!! will it be showing during July(mid)? i miss going movies with Yihui!

Photos of 武汉 (BBQ Session)

it may not be clear from the photos... but we were on a hill... and everywhere on the hill... is pple bbqing... this hill is a part of their 公园. i was with my 2 collegues/frens and their uni friends... they are not in the pic bec... i dun noe if they mind having their photos shown... hahaha. after the bbq... my stomach cannot take it.. and i had to use the public toilet...(no door ones...) may i really stood outside and ponder v hard if i could do without when my stomach was already in a bad shape... (for rest of the photos... pls check facebook).

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The train ride back to GZ was quite bad... fights occur in the crowded and stuffy walkway... (the usual smoking and squeezing takes places). so bad.. this time i didnt even manage to use the loo.
so i was quite tired when i reach my place (at 8am)... didnt do washing till i got up at 2pm... then work called... problems at work... delivery is disrupted.. talk on msn with my teammate... who is now in SG and will be taking a few more days off due to MC... which means im in trouble... lots to do.

did some washing... got my lunch prepared (udon... my fav...with fishcake and side dish: kimchi)dun think i will be able to do other chores till after dinner.... just now i was checking emails and talking to my mom, yihui on msn. now im uploading pics onto facebook... will put some on blogger i think... just a little... too lag.

wuhan is a better city for living compared to guangzhou... the pace is not as hectic... it is also larger than GZ.. so not so packed with pple. the cabs there are kinder... and cheaper!!! picking up at 3RMB compared to 7RMB over here. the air condition also slightly better... and the food there is not bad... we met some frens of my frens.. and went BBQing... i tell u... it is not like wat we have over here... hahahaha... man was i in for a shock at their diy bbq venue.

wuhan is also dotted with european (french) architecture... do look at the pics on facebook. they are one of the main reason y i wanted to see wuhan... i also went to 黄鹤楼. but i didnt went in to see... bec according to my frens.. not tat fantastic... for ppl like me... who dun understand the story and it is not v pretty....in the inside.

also went to a guanyin temple... the special thing about this temple is that there is 500 咯汉 statues. and by do some simply picking and choosing and counting... you can actually tell you more about urself and your life.. and it is quite accurate. honestly! quite unbelievable.. my fren went there every year and each year... wat she got was a v accurate description of her situation then.

well pple.. that is as much i have to say for now...

Actmens, you guys found a place to take grad photos? do reccomend me k? and Nuan.. i will need to make a trip to La Senza when im back in Sg.... u interested? hahaha...